This blog will be about people who love traveling to Greece. Come every year enjoy their holiday, feel a little “Greekanize” and as soon as they get back home they book another holiday for next year. I’ve worked for many years in the tourist industry in a different islands and I happened to meet many friends to whom I making this blog.
I am intending to connect as many of my friends as I can and remind them for the good time they had here in Greece. Many of them want to come and leave in Greece and I will be happy to help them gather the information they need for that. Even if you want to make a Greek night at home this is the right blog to be. I will try to show you not the tourist parts of Greece but the one that I see every day of my life.
This week I will contact many of my friends and put in mind that you may know the people who will write in this blog or you may make new friends for your future holiday. You will be surprise how many new things you may learn about a place that you probably go every year.
Good luck Milena, go on :)