Thursday, July 9, 2009

Economic Crisis in the tourist sector in Greece

People will still take their holiday/vacation but will look to spend less by staying closer to home or going to a lower economy country, such as our neighbors, Turkey or Bulgaria. Greek news points 70 % down fall on the tourist flow (at the beginning of the summer) this year but the truth is that I see same tourist flow as the previous year. Maybe Santorini is a fortunate island and have his regular visitors. Of course Brits are not happy with the downfall of the British pound as it is almost the same as Euro 1 Euro to 1,11 Pound. But they still love Greece and Thanks God they are still here. English people are still our main tourists. French, German and Italian comes only for two months in a busy season. American do not travel as they used to. As you know Greece is a tourist country and most of the native wait only on tourism to survive. Here people work six months per year and the other six months they wait the summer to start. So if you are planning to come to Greece don’t worry you are not alone you will still find friends here.


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